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500 Glen Addie Ave, Anniston, AL 36201


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The Anniston Housing Authority is currently purging the Criminal Trespass List. We would like to invite those on the list to formally request removal. Upon removal, you will be allowed back on to AHA’s properties and be eligible to apply for housing assistance with our public housing and HCV (Section 8) programs. For removal consideration, please fill out our Criminal Trespass Removal Form, which can be obtained and returned, along with a picture ID, to any one of the following locations: 


  1. Main Office (Formerly Glen Addie Homes) 500 Glen Addie Avenue, Anniston, AL 36201 
  2. EnVision Center (Constantine Homes) 318 Elm Street, Anniston, AL 36201 
  3. Norwood Homes Office, 411 W. 29th Street, Anniston, AL 36201 


Please be sure to fill the form out in its entirety and have a picture ID with you. You will be notified via mail with a decision. For more information, please contact Clarence Copeland, Resident Safety Manager, at (256) 403-2782.

***Attention Previous Anniston Housing Authority Residents***

If you are a previous resident of one of AHA’s public housing properties and paid the garbage fee from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2023, you are eligible for a garbage utility rebate. To start your process, please do one of the following:

  • Send an email to garbagecredit@annistonhousing.org with your name, previous public housing address, current mailing address, phone number and dates you resided in public housing OR
  • Send in a written request with your name, previous public housing address, current mailing address, phone number and dates you resided in public housing to P.O. Box 2225 Anniston, AL 36202.

Please contact Shazmine Gullett at (256) 236-1575 ext. 112 for more information on how to get started on your claim. 

Please be advised that in order to file a claim for a garbage utility rebate, you must provide all necessary documentation and meet the eligibility criteria outlined by the Anniston Housing Authority. Failure to do so may result in a delay or denial of your rebate request. 

You can save time and pay your rent online!

Effective Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the Anniston Housing Authority will close the one-bedroom waiting lists for all public housing properties due to high demand. The waiting lists will stay closed until further notice. Please note: applicants who only qualify for one-bedroom units are not eligible for any other bedroom size.

The work has been completed! The Barber Terrace Redevelopment is ready for your application!

Groundbreaking Ceremony Pics